Protected Learning Time

Protected learning time (PLT) for GP surgeries has been available for a number of years, nationally.

For many practices this is used as an opportunity to deliver staff training on the premises or outside, for example group sessions for GP’s and nurses.

This is also the same for administrative staff members.

PLT is commissioned by the NHS which then filters down to the ICB to formalise the dates and organise clinical or non-clinical training. This can be also online training for everyone.

111 are commissioned by the ICB to support the surgeries by providing clinical triage and a GP if required.

Training Days

Please note that we will be closed for staff training on the following days: The surgery will be closed from 1pm onwards. The out of hours number should be used in an emergency.

Protected Learning Time Dates for 2025/2026

Wednesday 22nd January 202514:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 19th February 202514:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 19th March 202514:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 30th April 202514:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 25th June 202514:30 – 18:30
Thursday 25th September 202514:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 19th November 202514:30 – 18:30
Thursday 22nd January 202614:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 25th March  202614:30 – 18:30