PPG Roles

Key responsibilities of officer positions


The chairperson will be responsible for chairing the patient participation roup meetings by:

  • Welcoming everyone attending the meeting and thanking them for their
  • Welcoming guest speakers attending the meetings and thanking them for their support and attendance.
  • Ensuring that all patients present at the meeting understand and feel part of the discussions, and information giving by summarising main points and checking that everyone is clear about the information they have heard.
  • Checking whether meeting attendees have any questions they want to ask.
  • Liaising with vice chair, secretary and practice manager regarding content of future meetings.
  • Agreeing the content of the minutes of meetings with the secretary and practice manager.

Vice Chairperson

  • The vice chairperson will assist the chairperson at meetings by providing back-up information as and when necessary.
  • Chairing patient participation group meetings in the absence of the chairperson.
  • Taking minutes of the patient participation group meetings in the absence of the secretary.
  • Supporting the chairperson and the practice manager in discussion regarding content of meetings.


  • The secretary is responsible for convening the meetings, sending out agendas and taking minutes which she/he will write up within 10 working days of the meetings.
  • When taking minutes, the secretary will be aware that many of the members of the patient group cannot attend the meetings so minutes need to be comprehensive, as explanatory as possible to enable members to fully understand the issues being discussed.
  • The secretary will send draft minutes to the chair, vice chair and practice nanager for approval and any necessary changes before distributing to the patient group membership.
  • The secretary will liaise with the practice administrator to ensure that the emailing database is kept up to date.
  • The secretary will respond to emails from virtual patient participation group members, and forward them on for comment as appropriate.